Mental exhaustion is a state of feeling drained and emotionally fatigued in a way that impacts your concentration, mood, and decision-making skills.
People who are emotionally exhausted often feel like they have no power or control over what happens in life.
They may feel “stuck” in their situation, making it even harder to break out of their exhaustion.
Symptoms of emotional exhaustion range from lack of motivation, trouble sleeping, nervousness, irrational anger, depression, to change in appetite.
The exact experience differs person-to-person, as does its cause.
For some, it’s triggered by raising children, working long hours, financial stress, high-pressure jobs, or even the death of a loved one.
If you worry you may be facing emotional exhaustion yourself, try to identify if you are experiencing the following:
Feelings of depression, including a persistent sad, low, or hopeless mood
Feelings of anxiety
Difficulty caring about anything
A sense of detachment, cynicism, or pessimism
Anger or irritability
Difficulty processing and managing emotions
An underlying sense of dread
A decline in motivation or productivity
Feeling lethargic or slowed down in movements or responses
Difficulty concentrating, remembering information, putting thoughts together, or completing work correctly
Obviously, it’s not a fun experience. So let’s look at some strategies for managing emotional exhaustion:
Take breaks: Break your work into focused intervals, taking short breaks in between each.
Making long-term lifestyle changes:
Getting into better sleeping habits
Changing your food intake
Disconnecting from digital devices
Staying physically active
Incorporating mindfulness & meditation
Seeking professional help: Therapy can be a valuable tool in identifying and challenging unhelpful thoughts, replacing them with balanced ones.
Emotional exhaustion isn’t something you can always avoid, but you can find new ways to reduce its impact.
Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional like myself for additional support.